Dynamic objects

Dynamic objects are inserted into pages as tags with certain parameters. When constructing such page for the viewer, the tags are replaced by content generated by dynamic objects, e.g. news, product summary or menu. The website creator inserts the tags and parameters of the dynamic objects manually and directly into the required location in the page or uses a dynamic element wizard, which will make the entire process much easier.

The following list contains dynamic objects that have been created until now, their numbers are constantly increasing.

General information

Menu (menu, navigations, maps)

Pages are organized by the content management system as a tree structure. Dynamic objects are used to display the content of one or several levels, i.e. “breadcrumb” navigation. Depending on the settings, it may show items from a specific node in the tree structure to a specific depth. The types can be visualized using drop-down menus, multilevel menus, menus with tabs, etc. If the user then inserts a new page into a relevant place in the tree structure and selects the page to show up in the menu, the page will automatically be inserted into all navigation elements working with the node, which the page has been assigned to.


The content management system has its own articles module. The user may create rows of articles. The Article dynamic object is then used to display articles in the number, extent and selection defined by the user in the object parameters. The same object is then used to display details of a specific article. This object is suitable for any articles of a repetitive nature like news, references, vacancies, etc. Articles from one or several rows may be displayed at once.

Inserting contents, content rotation

The content management system makes it possible to insert the contents of one page/block into another page. This is suitable when a specific contents should repeat itself on several pages or when access to some parts of the website is restricted for the users. Another advantage is that the element can insert a page, but if we include a group of pages, we can have the content change after each refresh (merging) or have the images rotated.


The content management system uses the Magic2g framework’s central administration to manage images. Product, company, person, destination, etc. type objects can be assigned photographs of various sizes and types. Such assigned photographs can then be used to create a dynamic object gallery, defining preview sizes, image display, number of pictures on a side and number of rows and columns, manner of detail displayed and many other parameters.

Sending e-mails

When creating www processes in the form of a sequence of linked pages, any one of such pages can be completed with an e-mail object. This allows for in-house workers to receive information that somebody has entered the page. Random information from the filled out form, which the user confirmed when entering the page, can be sent. The system can also use the same object to send users confirmation of received data or invite users to confirm their orders be clicking on a link in the e-mail.


Sending news, Newsletters

Besides webpages, the content management system can also manage newsletter content in the same manner. Newsletters are sent to registered e-mail addresses. Sending news can be done automatically or manually. Manual sending must be confirmed by the user, automatic sending sends e-mails in set intervals by itself. Contents is entered as with any standard webpage, either as text or with HTML formatting tags. E-mail content may use all standard dynamic objects that provide news listings, links, images, etc. in the same manner as if it was a standard webpage.

External (partial contents from external systems)

New dynamic objects make it possible to insert into the is>content system complete parts of external systems. Inserted sections look like an inseparable part of the website. Source systems (those from which we copy the data) can be sent various parameters and the result can then be adopted as HTML into our own pages. All the flexibility and benefits of the is>tour content management system are preserved. This means you don’t have to give up your functions written in PHP, when you want to migrate to is>content, which is based on .NET technology.

Objects for product, company and person catalogues


This objects creates a list of products (tours, goods, services) that comply with criteria set in the dynamic object or with search criteria from the previous page. The extent of displayed information is decided by the author of the presentation, it is formatted using styles. The same element called with an ID of a specific product will display a detail of the product, the extent of the displayed information again depends on the settings of the dynamic object. To display a text description of a product in this element, we use a text description template link, the user can select which paragraphs and in what order they will be displayed. Individual text descriptions have their own unique classes that can be assigned their own individual styles.

Companies, persons

Similar to the element for displaying lists or product details, the same logic can be applied to company or person lists. The extent of displayed information is once again defined by the website author, the presentation is formatted using styles. The element is suitable for lists of companies, retailers, branches and persons, etc. It is possible to select only products or companies with a certain characteristic, enabling to display some items before others.

Country/destination, field lists

The system contains lists organized as tree structures, e.g. country, destination or field lists. Each list node can be assigned objects like products, companies, persons, etc. When presenting such information in the content management system, information from these lists represent an ideal navigation tool to find the searched for field or destination. Elements may display the number of objects found in individual nodes (number of companies of a given field, number of tours in a given destination) or minimal or maximal extents of other information (price from, for products or services). The author of the webpage defines from which node and what depth the tree structure should be displayed.

Objects for sales processes


The object enables website visitors, without logging in, to select elements from a catalogue and return to this selection. This element is ideal to be used for carts, wish lists, lists of selected companies or tour lists, to support the visitor’s final decision. For now it is possible to select products, companies and persons.

Order (booking) form

If the content management system is connected with a booking or sales system based on Magic2G, it will make it possible to very easily insert this dynamic object into the booking form. The website author defines some limits and details of previous selections are transferred automatically. The author decides what will be displayed after the order has been sent. If an object processing the booking/order will be located on the following page, such request will be executed. An alternative is to store the order data into another structure (only as an enquiry) or not store the data at all and send it through an e-mail to a random e-mail address defined in the object.

Online credit card payments

On-line payments use a so called bank agent. This part of the Magic2G framework can communicate with the MUZO credit card payment authorization centre. Regardless if you signed up with ČSOB, Česká Spořitelna or another bank, payments are always confirmed in the MUZO centre. A customer who decides to pay with a credit card can directly got to the credit card payment information form. Payment information will then automatically be saved to the assigned business case.

Objects for user access and contents editing

User login

The object enables users to log in, so that they can access parts of the website, which are not available to users that have not logged in. The system will also know the identity of the user and using dynamic objects for persons, companies or products, the website author can provide access to edit personal information, view lists of ordered products or details of ordered products and their shipment or payment.

Forms for entering persons and companies

Forms for entering or editing personal data, contact addresses, documents, etc. Usable for booking, online orders or to record and edit personal information of logged in users.

Editing pages or random website content

It is possible to directly insert an icon on a page that will enable a user, after logging in, to directly edit page contents or edit page tree structures.

Why Magicware

We have experience, knowledge and success
We are enthusiastic about what we do
We are a Czech company which is active worldwide
We have a vision and we are prepared for the future
We are able to share out our costs thanks to the wide use of the system
We provide strong support throughout the application’s entire life cycle